My first project I want to show you for the new year is My youngest daughters bed. She had a bunk bed and no longer wanted to have to climb a ladder to get in bed or just lounge . Easy enough i remember browsing on pinterest and seeing people making beds from pallets. I have always thought what a great idea. The search began to find pallets. Unfortunately not as easy as it sounds. After many stores telling me no I finally found one that said sure go ahead and take them:) Thank you Gander Mountain. Although they were larger pallets and not the regular size I could see there potential. I called hubby and he came with is truck as I was driving my jeep and they sure were not going to fit in there.
We loaded them up and hauled them home. Now to design and Build. This is what we made her:)

This is the original size of the pallets on the left we cut them down to 2 equal sizes
We sanded off all the edges that could cause splinters.
She wanted it blue, so Blue it is:)
We used a total of two of the big pallets to create the bed.
We added a lighting system in the bottom base pallets.
This is her finished bed. She has a nice step up and a ledge for storage.
Great for book bags and dance bags:)
All in all the bed was a hit she loves it. This bed only took 12hrs from start to finish. I started at 8am and finished assembling in her room that night at 8pm. We had a beautiful day so it was a great work outside project. Paint dried fast which made all the difference:)
I hope you enjoyed my first project I am sharing in 2014. My goal is to share a project each week more if I get on a roll hehe.
I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014. May all your days be creative!!